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Monsoon OxyRain Shower Filter with Wide Showerhead

Monsoon OxyRain Shower Filter with Wide Showerhead

The Monsoon shower filter, with patented April Shower filtration, delivers purified chlorine-free water. Chlorine strips the natural protective oils from skin and hair, causing excess dryness. Showering with the Monsoon Shower Filter is proven to make hair more healthy and vibrant and skin softer and smoother. It is the ideal shower to preserve color-treated hair. The Monsoon features a 7" wide showerhead. Experience the oxygen-rich downpour through 54 powerful spray nozzles that engulf your entire body, saturating the pores of your skin for the most gratifying chlorine-free shower experience! This over-sized self-pressurized shower head delivers a 30% stronger water spray while conserving 30-70% water and energy. And, the 9" adjustable extension arm allows for optimum heights and angles for maximum pleasure. The Monsoon shower filter ionically removes harmful chlorine and vapors that damage skin, hair and lung tissue. Using the same principle as a jet engine, the Monsoon showerhead continuously draws in air through 16 intake ports and infuses it into the filtered water creating a revitalizing oxygen-rich, chlorine-free spray. Because of its design, the Monsoon will pay for itself in water conservation. The Monsoon spray feels exhilarating, saves money, and provides the healthiest shower experience. 
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